Giants' Masahiro Tanaka: "Everything feels fresh" as he visits Miyazaki Shrine alongside Sakamoto and others to pray for becoming "number one in Japan"
On the 31st, the Giants' first-team management and players visited Miyazaki Jingu Shrine ahead of the spring training camp that begins on the 1st. New pitcher Masahiro Tanaka (36), who joined the team from Rakuten, commented on his first visit to the shrine as a member of the Giants, saying, "Everything feels fresh."
Masahiro Tanaka walked along the approach to the shrine alongside his elementary school classmate Sakamoto and others. He said, "I think we used to do this in the past, but recently we've had them come to the stadium," and added, "I'd seen these kinds of events in the newspapers, so I thought, 'this is it.'"
In his first year since the transfer, when asked what he was praying for, he said emphatically, "I prayed for my own health and for the team to become number one in Japan."
After the main players had been conducting joint voluntary training in Miyazaki City until the day before, the team will finally start training camp at their new home. "I just want to take each day seriously and take it easy," he said with enthusiasm.
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