Nihonkai League Toyama's three catchers are registered with the names "Char," "Zaku," and "Shin," goes viral on social media with comments like "It's got a lot of Gundam vibes" and "The Red Comet."
The "Registered Name Announcement" announced by independent league team Nihonkai League Toyama on their official X (formerly Twitter) account on the 19th has become a hot topic on social media.
Announced as follows:
Michiharu Kobayashi → #Michiharu uniform number 13
Hideki Zakuro → #Zaku uniform number 26
Shin Iwamuro → #Shin uniform number 28
Char Sekiguchi → #Char uniform number 29
Kazuyoshi → #Kazuyoshi uniform number 2
Toki Kobayashi → #Toki uniform number 3
It is not uncommon for players to change their registered name to just their first name, but the three catchers who are attracting attention are Hideki Zakuro, Shin Iwamuro, and Char Sekiguchi.
They alol appear in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam series, with Zaku being the name of a mobile suit used by the Zeon forces. Char is a soldier known by the nickname "Red Comet" and also appears in the sequel, Z Gundam. Shin is a character from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED. On social media, people have commented, "It's a Zaku, it's Char, it's got a lot of Gundam vibes," and "The Red Comet," and some have even overlaid Char's lines from the anime, saying, "Let me see what the Toyama athletes' performance is like."
Char Sekiguchi is from Ikeda, a veteran school in Tokushima that has won the Koshien tournament three times. When he submitted his application to become a professional last year, the name given to him by his Gundam-loving father became a hot topic.
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