Giants' Masahiro Tanaka: "I want to contribute as much as I can as a solid player" - Devoted to pep rally, scheduled to make his first official appearance in the 4/3 game against Chunichi
The "2025 Yomiuri Giants Encouragement Rally" was held on the 25th at a hotel in Tokyo, bringing together approximately 1,400 participants.
Speaking on stage in an interview, pitcher Tanaka Masahiro, who joined the team this season, said, "First of all, I've been focusing on myself and spending this training camp with the intention of entering the season in good shape," and about the Giants' pitching staff, he said, "There are a lot of great players and pitchers. I personally can't afford to lose, so I want to do my best to surpass them somehow."
He is scheduled to make his first official appearance for the Giants in the second opening game of the season, against Chunichi on April 3rd (Vantelin Dome). He expressed his enthusiasm, saying, "As the Giants work towards their ultimate goal of winning the league championship and becoming Japan's top team, I would like to do my best to contribute as much as I can as a valuable member of the team."
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