Terunofuji's beloved wife and son Terumuji-kun appear at his retirement press conference. He kisses his super-sized, dignified eldest son, but his expression suddenly changes.

On the 17th, sumo wrestler Yokozuna Terunofuji held a retirement press conference at the Ryogoku Kokugikan. From now on, he will be in charge of training the next generation of wrestlers as a stablemaster.

Terunofuji, whose decision to retire was announced the day before, explained, "My life as a sumo wrestler has been intense. I have done everything I can, but things have not gone as I wanted, and I have come to the conclusion that I should no longer stand on the ring." He also revealed, "I told my master after I lost on the first day."

Also appearing at the press conference were his wife Doljihand, whom he married in 2018, and their eldest son, Temujin, born in 2022, who presented him with a bouquet. During the commemorative photo shoot, Terunofuji's expression instantly changed as he kissed the dignified Temujin, and he also broke into a smile.

Terumujin-kun also appeared at the Yokozuna sumo ring entrance ceremony in April last year. He became a hot topic when it was revealed that he weighed 17kg at just 1 year and 4 months old, which is as big as a 5-year-old child.

Terunofuji invited his Mongolian mother, wife and eldest son to the Kokugikan for his bout on the second day, where he won against Takanosho. "I thought, what if I did everything I could and it didn't work out? I wanted to try sumo the way I've always done it again. I wanted to give it my all, without thinking about the consequences," he said. "Today, my mother, wife and child watched me. I'm glad I was able to show them a winning style of sumo."

◆Terunofuji Haruo (real name Suginomori Masayama), 73rd Yokozuna, Isegahama stable. Born November 29, 1991. From Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Joined Magaki stable from Tottori Johoku High School, debuted in the May 2011 tournament for the skills evaluation tournament. Transferred after the Spring tournament in 2013. Promoted to Ozeki after his first victory in the Summer tournament in 2015. Falling to Jonidan in the Spring tournament in 2019 due to injuries to both knees. Returned to the Makuuchi division in July 2020, won the tournament, and returned to Ozeki in the Summer tournament in 2021. Became a new Yokozuna in the Autumn tournament of the same year after acquiring Japanese citizenship. 10 wins. Won the Special Achievement Award, Fighting Spirit Award, and Technique Award three times each. Specialties are Migiyotsu and Yori. 192 cm, 176 kg.







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