"What?!" "He's still a comedian?" Internet goes crazy over a comedian who appeared on "Shoten" "How many years has it been since I saw him on TV?" "I never thought I'd see him again"

Nippon TV 's "Shoten" was broadcast on the 2nd, and the comedian who appeared in the entertainment segment caused a stir online with comments such as "No way," "It's been a while since I've seen him," and "He's still working as a comedian?", resulting in the show becoming a trending topic.

On this day, Masato Yamada (63) appeared on the show, who handled his regular television program "Zamaa KANKAN! (Yomiuri TV)" with Kenji Moriwaki (57) who belonged Shochiku Geino same as him and was popular among high school girls in the Kansai region as an idol in the late 80's. He left the company about 30 years ago, and on social media, many comments are posted such as, "It's been a long time since I've seen him," "He's still a comedian," "It's been a long time since I've seen Masato Yamada," "I miss Masato Yamada," "It's been years since I saw him on TV," "How many years since I saw him on TV?" "I never thought I'd see Masato Yamada on Shoten...," "People who haven't watched Shoten live might be thinking, 'What?! No way...' when they see Masato Yamada trending," "Only old men and women from Kansai know that Masato Yamada means Kenji Moriwaki lol," and "Today's Shoten was amazing. I got to hear Masato Yamada's 'The Story of Shigeo Nagashima!'"







  1. 「完全に恋人」本田翼と人気タレントがツーショット「家でダラダラしてコンビニ行って」反響続々

  2. 元国民的アイドルメンバー 子宮頸管無力症で緊急搬送→急きょ手術の末に妊娠発表 第1子出産後も貧血&高血圧

  3. ウエンツ瑛士 大谷翔平と新通訳・アイアトン氏は「うまくいってない」と指摘

  4. 「ホットスポット」最終回 宇宙人以外にホテル閉鎖で大ピンチ人物がもう1人→一瞬映って忘れられ中 突然出没「山田真歩」と関係説

  5. 「美しすぎる」橋本マナミ 人気女優との浴衣ツーショットに絶賛の声「姉妹みたい」「永久保存版」




  1. 大谷翔平 オシャレな着こなしで球場入り 珍しいグリーンのジャケットに白のインナー 笑み浮かべ関係者とグータッチ

  2. ドジャース ワトソンさんが撮影した佐々木朗希が別人級 緊張気味に「気をつけ!」米ファン「なんで学校の初日みたいな恰好?」「かわいい」

  3. 「完全に恋人」本田翼と人気タレントがツーショット「家でダラダラしてコンビニ行って」反響続々

  4. 大谷翔平 オシャレな着こなしで球場入り 珍しいグリーンのジャケットに白のインナー 笑み浮かべ関係者とグータッチ

  5. 元国民的アイドルメンバー 子宮頸管無力症で緊急搬送→急きょ手術の末に妊娠発表 第1子出産後も貧血&高血圧

