Fuji TV president asks woman in trouble with Nakai, "Was she a Fuji TV employee?" Controversy ensues as presenter joins in

On the 17th, Fuji Television held a press conference at its headquarters in Odaiba, Tokyo, with President Koichi Minato and others to explain the trouble between Masahiro Nakai and a woman. President Minato revealed that Fuji Television had been aware of the trouble between Nakai and a woman in early June 2011, immediately after it had occurred. He explained that an employee had noticed the woman was acting strangely and spoke to her, and that the issue had been recognized as "an extremely sensitive one."

When asked by the reporters if the person was a Fuji employee, President Minato replied, "I can't answer that," to which the moderator replied, "Please understand that we can't answer questions that connect to specific individuals."

Fuji TV explained that they were aware of the situation and made a doctor's diagnosis their top priority. They also said that Nakai had contacted them to inform them of the problem.

When asked by the interviewer whether he could not answer questions even though the woman had sought advice, President Minato again replied "Yes," to which the moderator replied, "As I have said many times, I cannot answer questions about specific individuals."







  1. 「アメトーク」目のやり場に困る女装芸人に騒然「可愛すぎて怖いw」徳井映るたび→後方にスカート&足 ネット悲鳴「本当の女性なら」「ちくしょう」

  2. 早見優 石川秀美さん結婚会見みてビックリ!「別のY」と付き合ってると思ってた ずっと恋人だと確信してた人気俳優

  3. 衝撃の犯行動画 N党立花氏襲撃人物→握手の列に並び笑顔→握手するフリしてナタよう刃物で叩きつける

  4. キム・スヒョン 故キム・セロンさん遺族の交際暴露により活動に早くも影響か 現地で報道

  5. キム・スヒョン所属事務所 故キム・セロンさんとの交際認めるも「成人してから」と長文で反論




  1. 「アメトーク」目のやり場に困る女装芸人に騒然「可愛すぎて怖いw」徳井映るたび→後方にスカート&足 ネット悲鳴「本当の女性なら」「ちくしょう」

  2. 山本由伸が釘付け「カッケェ…」視線の先には大谷 就寝前に先輩イジリ?「GOOD NIGHT」

  3. 早見優 石川秀美さん結婚会見みてビックリ!「別のY」と付き合ってると思ってた ずっと恋人だと確信してた人気俳優

  4. 「殺されかけた」N党・立花氏 襲撃の恐怖瞬間がSNSに 男が握手の列並び笑顔→順番くると握手フリして頭にナタ?振り下ろす

  5. キム・スヒョン 故キム・セロンさん遺族の交際暴露により活動に早くも影響か 現地で報道
