Nagisa Watanabe, who left Fuji TV due to PTSD, vows to pursue a vigorous career in the entertainment industry, "Please look forward to it, everyone" Official website and membership card launched


Nagisa Watanabe, who left Fuji TV in August 2024, updated social media on the 25th, revealing that she will be launching an official website in February.

The company also announced the launch of its official membership service, "Lighthouse." Currently, the company is using Instagram subscriptions, but this will be discontinued at the end of February.

"We will be opening our official website and official membership "Lighthouse" from February! Along with that, we will discontinue our current Instagram subscription at the end of February and adopt a new membership system. (Some people have been unable to sign up for the subscription system, and there were some things that could not be done with it, so we will change it to a more understandable system.)" she reported. She also released a photo of the homepage of the website, using a photo taken by RIKKI UENO.

"With the official membership "Lighthouse," we plan to offer exclusive photos and videos, essays, and an e-commerce shop (limited edition merchandise, handmade bottle ships). Also, as I don't want to lose the diary that I have been updating daily through the subscription until now, I will be creating a new Instagram account exclusive to members. We are also considering offering transition benefits to those who sign up for our current subscription until the end of February," she said, vowing to continue to work even more energetically, saying, "I hope everyone looks forward to it."

Lighthouse means "lighthouse."

Watanabe has been on leave since July 2023 due to ill health and later admitted to suffering from PTSD.







  1. 「アメトーク」目のやり場に困る女装芸人に騒然「可愛すぎて怖いw」徳井映るたび→後方にスカート&足 ネット悲鳴「本当の女性なら」「ちくしょう」

  2. 早見優 石川秀美さん結婚会見みてビックリ!「別のY」と付き合ってると思ってた ずっと恋人だと確信してた人気俳優

  3. 衝撃の犯行動画 N党立花氏襲撃人物→握手の列に並び笑顔→握手するフリしてナタよう刃物で叩きつける

  4. キム・スヒョン 故キム・セロンさん遺族の交際暴露により活動に早くも影響か 現地で報道

  5. キム・スヒョン所属事務所 故キム・セロンさんとの交際認めるも「成人してから」と長文で反論




  1. 「アメトーク」目のやり場に困る女装芸人に騒然「可愛すぎて怖いw」徳井映るたび→後方にスカート&足 ネット悲鳴「本当の女性なら」「ちくしょう」

  2. 山本由伸が釘付け「カッケェ…」視線の先には大谷 就寝前に先輩イジリ?「GOOD NIGHT」

  3. 早見優 石川秀美さん結婚会見みてビックリ!「別のY」と付き合ってると思ってた ずっと恋人だと確信してた人気俳優

  4. 「殺されかけた」N党・立花氏 襲撃の恐怖瞬間がSNSに 男が握手の列並び笑顔→順番くると握手フリして頭にナタ?振り下ろす

  5. キム・スヒョン 故キム・セロンさん遺族の交際暴露により活動に早くも影響か 現地で報道
