What? I thought she was an actress, but she's actually a beautiful athlete appearing on "Kakuzuke" and it's caused a stir. Her clear-skinned appearance is "getting more and more beautiful," "she looks like Keiko Kitagawa," "what the..."
TV Asahi program "Celebrity Rating Check BASIC ~ Spring 3-Hour Special," hosted by Masatoshi Hamada, aired on the 22nd.
Atsuto Uchida and Kasumi Ishikawa appeared on the athlete team. Uchida, who disappeared the fastest in the spring of 2021, laughed, "My partner was Yuji Nakazawa...I brought the real one this time. That was a bit of a fake."
Ishikawa said with confidence, "I always do image training by watching TV, so I'll do my best!"
Her simple black outfit became a hot topic on the internet, with many posting comments such as "She looks like an actress", "What? I thought she was an actress but it's Kasumi Ishikawa", "Wait, hasn't Kasumi Ishikawa gotten too beautiful?", "She's aged nicely", "I can't stop staring at Kasumi Ishikawa 's face", "She looks like Keiko Kitagawa", "What? Kasumi Ishikawa is this beautiful?! I thought she was an actress", "She's getting more and more beautiful", "I thought there was a simple beauty...? Wow, it's Kasumi Ishikawa. She looks like an actress. I'm shocked", etc.
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山里亮太 別府温泉で地元民からマナー違反の注意受ける 「30年前なら死んでたよ」
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斎藤知事「news23」小川彩佳アナが「ただただ理解に苦しむ」厳しく批判 カンテレは兵庫県民アンケ「知事続投68、辞任32」と
山里亮太 「いろんな」モデルがテレビオーディションで語るエピソードに「最悪な世界ですよ」
篠田正浩監督死去 早大1年で箱根駅伝2区走る 名コーチは言った「新人の可能性」