Shohei Ohtani 's exclusive photographer for the Dodgers reveals his true face and hidden side, including his silly expressions in the player's locker room and a rare shot of him posing for victory from the front.
John Soo-Hoo, the Dodgers' exclusive photographer posted a new picture to his Instagram on the 17th. He uploaded a number of photos of pitcher Shohei Ohtani 's true face and hidden face.
One photo shows him looking at the camera with a big smile before a meal in the players' cafeteria at Tokyo Dome, and another shows him with the front of his beige jacket open in the players' locker room, highlighting a T-shirt featuring Dekopin, a high-five with him designed by Tigers pitcher Kenta Maeda.
Other photos included one of him in the player's locker room with a bat in hand and a mischievous look on his face, another of him looking like he's in game mode, preparing his bat in preparation for his turn at bat in what appears to be a trainer's room, and a rare shot of him from the front raising his arms at a right angle and pumping his fist in a fist during official practice on the 14th, with fans filling the stands.
The photos, taken in a location where only a dedicated photographer can do so, give a glimpse of Ohtani's true self.
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