Yuzuru Hanyu: ``I think I would have been able to live an easier life if I had been on the safe side'' How did he analyze himself?

TV Asahi Asahi's ``Tamori Station,'' where the entertainer Tamori serves as MC, was broadcasted on the 10th. While looking back at famous scenes under the theme of "Sports x TV," we featured Yuzuru Hanyu, who became the first man in history to win three consecutive figure skating titles at the 2015 GP Finals.

Hanyu himself watched the video and looked back on his performance, which set a world record of 330.43 points (according to the scoring method up to 2017) at the same tournament. During the free performance, he said, ``I use the jump and mental state at that time as a reference,'' and regarding one of the three quads in the second half of the performance, ``The probability of jumping the toe loop (quadruple) is 30 to 40%." he revealed. However, he succeeded in everything and stepped into unexplored territory with over 330 points.

``What everyone sees is the result. I believe that if there are no results, people won't see it,'' says Hanyu. On the other hand, he said with a wry smile, ``I set my goals higher than most people. So I think I could have lived an easier life if I had set my goals a little more conservatively.'' On top of that, he analyzed himself and said, ``I think it's because I set such high goals that I feel such a great sense of accomplishment, and I think I'm able to break the world record.''







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