HIKAKIN Reveals Location of 2 Billion Yen Mansion: "You can't see it from the outside because of the wall" Nakai: "Is there such a thing? It's a rental.
YouTuber Hikakin will appear on Fuji TV's "Matsumo to Nakakai" broadcast on the 24th. He talked about his ``2 billion yen new house,'' which has been a hot topic since he moved in in August of this year.
``I started thinking about what to do this summer in the spring,'' a huge mansion with an indoor heated pool.``I love the property and look at it every day, but I wonder if it will become a hot topic if it happens to come out this year and we move in this summer.'' '', he said, revealing that he had put it into action.
I'm a renter," he said, "so I'm just renting. When I heard that it would cost 2 billion yen to buy the property, I asked him if it would be OK, and he said yes. Hitoshi Matsumoto and Masahiro Nakai asked, "Where is this? Tokyo? to which he replied, "Tokyo. Nakai asked, "Is there such a thing? Nakai was surprised.
Hikakin revealed, ``It's nice that there's a wall so you can't see from the outside. There are a lot of bugs and stuff, so you can shoot videos outside.''
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