[Full text] Jin Akanishi and Meisa Kuroki announce their divorce on social media, "We will go our separate ways as a couple" after 11 years of marriage, on Christmas Eve

Jin Akanishi and Meisa Kuroki updated their respective Instagram stories (posts that disappear after 24 hours) at midnight on the 25th to announce their divorce. "At this time, we have decided to change the form of our partnership and go our separate ways as a married couple," they wrote in a joint statement.

``Family will continue to be our top priority, and we will continue to build a new type of partnership with them, as parents and best friends, with even more love.'' The text is almost the same for both.

The two got married in February 2012. They welcomed their first daughter (11) in September 2012 and their first son (6) in June 2017.

[Full text of Akanishi's comment]

the report

At this time, my husband and I have decided to change the form of our partnership and go our separate ways as husband and wife.

Going forward, our family will continue to be our top priority, and we will continue to build a new type of partnership with them, as parents and best friends, with even more love.

We are still living together peacefully, so I hope you will continue to watch over us warmly.

Please note that we will refrain from making any further comments regarding the family.

We kindly ask that you refrain from interviewing your family, relatives, and related parties.

[Full text of Kuroki's comment]

the report

At this time, my husband and I have decided to change the form of our partnership and go our separate ways as husband and wife.

Going forward, our family will continue to be our top priority, and we will continue to build a new type of partnership with them, as parents and best friends, with even more love.

We are still living together peacefully, so I hope you will continue to watch over us warmly.

We kindly ask the media to refrain from interviewing family members, relatives, and other related parties.







  1. 「クジャクのダンス」衝撃結末 赤沢京子の背後に映り続けていた恐怖伏線 呪いのように 今見ると怖すぎ、そういうことだったのか

  2. 三田寛子「#まるで宝石箱やぁ」な京都老舗の押し寿司弁当 新幹線でパクパク「上品で美味しそう」「素敵な弁当」

  3. 誰?なぜ?田中真紀子さん 総裁選砲撃も1人だけ大絶賛する、まさか人物の名前「育ち良いし賢い!」 他は「ヘナチョコ売名」使い物にならない!

  4. 膳場貴子アナ戦闘態勢で痛烈質問 高市早苗氏笑顔消え「これが私」

  5. Koki, また新たなヴィトンバッグで大人シックな私服姿「merci beaucoup」仏語で感謝




  1. 年商30億円実業家のイケメンBD選手 新たに超高級車を購入 ガレージにズラリ 啓之輔も反応「金持ちがよ」「かっけぇ」

  2. 「クジャクのダンス」衝撃結末 赤沢京子の背後に映り続けていた恐怖伏線 呪いのように 今見ると怖すぎ、そういうことだったのか

  3. 三田寛子「#まるで宝石箱やぁ」な京都老舗の押し寿司弁当 新幹線でパクパク「上品で美味しそう」「素敵な弁当」

  4. 誰?なぜ?田中真紀子さん 総裁選砲撃も1人だけ大絶賛する、まさか人物の名前「育ち良いし賢い!」 他は「ヘナチョコ売名」使い物にならない!

  5. 膳場貴子アナ戦闘態勢で痛烈質問 高市早苗氏笑顔消え「これが私」

