Parents rejoice at 38-year-old Aya Ueto's beauty: "She's so cute!" The ultimate mommy duo of beautiful actresses go out together
On the 28th, actress Aya Ueto (38) attended an event held at the Yokohama Anpanman Children's Museum in Kanagawa Prefecture to promote the animated film "Soreike! Anpanman: Baikinman and the Picture Book of Lurun" (released June 28th), in which she will appear as a voice actor.
Ueto is a mother of three children with her husband EXILE HIRO. She said with a smile that she often comes to the museum with her children. She also revealed that she has visited the museum with actress Yu Aoi (38), saying, "I came here with Yu-chan and her child."
At the event, she sang "Anpanman March" and "Anpanman Taiso" with the many family attendees, many of whom were accompanied by children. Moms and dads greeted her with cheers "Cute!!".
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