MEGUMI, earned 200,000 yen a month during her high school days when she was "Naughty", has business acumen. Even Koji Kato praised her, saying, "That's amazing, for a high school student."
On the 1st, talent Megumi appeared on TBS's "The Best Restaurant in Life" and confessed that while she was "naughty" in high school, she had the business acumen to earn 200,000 yen in a part-time job.
The guest for the day, MEGUMI, is from Okayama and has been "naughty" since her high school days. She revealed that she was making an extraordinary amount of money for a high school student, saying, "I was selling accessories on the street in Kurashiki's scenic area. I was making 200,000 yen a month, as I was inscribing names on the rings."
Koji Kato was also astonished by this, saying, "That's amazing. A high school student. you had business acumen, even back then." MEGUMI, who was naughty at the time, said, "At that time, black music was popular, so I wanted to go to America and become a singer."
So at the age of 16, she took a leave of absence from school to go to America to study gospel music. However, she was devastated when she was told, "You have no voice at all."
After returning to Japan, "There was a really stylish denim shop where they sewed with a sewing machine, and next to the DJ booth, I started going to that shop and quit being naughty. I suddenly started wearing street fashion," she said, graduating from being naughty. At the time, "Nyarome patterned sweaters were popular, so I wore them and had a world map patterned clutch bag," she recalled, but when "an old man at the DJ booth told me, 'You're weird,'" she said, putting an end to her naughty days abruptly.
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