What the heck! Former Nippon TV announcer Satoshi Kamishige confesses his June salary, despite claiming he has no work, it's actually a huge amount
Satoshi Kamishige, a freelance announcer who left Nippon TV in March, appeared on the show "Gyoretsu no Dekiru Soudanjo" on the 21st. He honestly confessed his monthly income for June.
In the episode themed "How much do celebrities make?", Kamishige, who appeared first, confessed in detail to Minamikawa. When he appears as a guest on YouTube, he is paid 30,000 to 50,000 yen, and since April, he has appeared in 20 shows, earning 600,000 to 1 million yen. He gives six lectures, each for 300,000 to 500,000 yen, and earns 1.8 million to 3 million yen.
When asked about his monthly income in June, he initially refused, saying "I'll decline," but when Minamikawa admitted that his highest monthly income since leaving Shochiku Entertainment was 1.24 million yen, that was the end of it. He prefaced his answer by saying "I worked hard," and revealed the unexpectedly high income of "2.5 million yen."
Kamishige said he was "anxious" because his income varies from month to month. Since going freelance, he has appealed on various TV shows that he "has no work," but in reality, he was in a very comfortable position.
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