31-year-old popular stage actress announces marriage to co-star actor; sister is former super idol

Actress Rina Kamei (31) updated her social media on the 1st, announcing that she had married actor Yu Asakawa (38) in May.

Kamei announced on Instagram, "To everyone, I apologize for this personal matter, but I would like to announce that on May 16th of this year, I married actor Asakawa Yuu. Since meeting Yuu, I have been able to grow as a person and as an actor. He is a kind, warm person who is filled with love."

He continued, "We've been through a lot together, and we've been by each other's side through difficult times, and we've gotten to where we are now. And we've been able to get to where we are now thanks to all the support we've received from our families and those around us. We were even able to hold our wedding ceremony with just our close family and friends." He went on to say, "We're really, really grateful. We'll continue to work hard as actors, improving each other, competing with each other, and facing everything with sincerity!"

They also announced in a joint statement on each other's social media, "We are pleased to announce that we got married on May 16th. We apologize for the delay in announcing this due to our respective work commitments and the need to confirm with various parties. Going forward, we hope to spend each day peacefully, supporting each other, keeping a smile on our faces, and facing difficulties together. We are both still inexperienced, but we would appreciate your kind support. We hope to continue to support both of us as a couple."

Kamei is the younger sister of Eri Kamei, a former popular member of Morning Musume who graduated in 2010 and is currently on hiatus. In 2008, she made her acting debut in the Fuji TV drama "Nadeshiko-tai: Shojo-tachi Dake Mita Tokkotai Fuin sareta 23-nichi" and has since been active mainly in stage productions. She co-starred with Asakawa in the stage production "Gahornz Remake 1: Himitsu" in May 2010.







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