Ryoko Yonekura is shocked by Toshiyuki Nishida's sudden death: "I told him the day before yesterday that I would post a photo!" On the 8th, she appeared with Nishida at the "Doctor X" movie press conference.
Actress Ryoko Yonekura updated her social media on the 17th. She mourned the death of Toshiyuki Nishida, who was found to have passed away on the same day.
Yonekura updated her Instagram stories, writing, "I'm at a loss for words upon hearing the sudden news of Nishida-san's passing...I only told him the day before yesterday that I would post photos. I'm so sad, so sad, I still can't believe it."
She also posted a photo of the two of them smiling in front of fried turtle, saying, "After the shoot, Toshiyuki Nishida treated me to fried soft-shelled turtle."
Nishida appeared in the popular drama series which Yonekura is starring "Doctor X: Surgeon Daimon Michiko" as Shigekatsu Hiruma. His last public appearance was on the 8th of this month in Tokyo, when he appeared on stage with Yonekura and others at the press conference to announce the completion of the movie "Doctor X: The Movie."
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