Ano-chan clicks her tongue at super popular talent during TV show recording: "It's irritating and I don't like it"

Singer and talent Ano, also known as "Ano Ano-chan," appeared on TV Asahi Asahi's "Ano-chan" broadcast late at night on the 16th. She confessed that she appeared on the show while sleep-deprived and clicked her tongue at a super-popular talent.

The talk on the show was titled "Confessions of a Useless Person - Sorry for Being Lazy". Guest Tomoka Tanabe of Noboru Juku shared a lazy episode of herself, in which she stayed up until the early hours of the morning because she couldn't be bothered to take a bath, and fell asleep during the recording of a show the next day, which was then broadcast.

In response to this, Anoha commented, "I'm also someone who always takes a bath. After I take off my clothes, I'm naked and playing with my phone until the bathtub fills. It feels kind of nice," but on the other hand, he agreed with Tanabe, saying, "But I hate showers. I take a shower just to take a bath, but by the time I get in the bath, it's already 5 or 6 in the morning. Even if I have to get up at 7 the next day."

He then confessed that he had clicked his tongue at Nankai Candies' Yamazato Ryota, saying, "After that, I was spacing out during the variety show (recording), and then Ryota Yamasato Ryota Yamasato, 'Ano-chan co-stars burst into laughter, he honestly said, "I'm sleepy and it makes me irritated, and I don't like it."







  1. 水卜アナが羽鳥が号泣 5月急逝の日テレ河村亮アナの最後のLINE「一睡もできず」に

  2. 4児ママ平愛梨 寝坊し大焦りで弁当作り→夫・長友佑都がかけた言葉が「優しい」「楽にしてくれる」感動の反響

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  1. 前田健太 大谷翔平が着用した画伯Tシャツ「僕もびっくりしました」「渡していないので」その後連絡→サインは?

  2. 上戸彩が18年ぶり始球式 首元リボンのお洒落スタイルで登場 体震わせ緊張、ワンバン投球に悔し座り込むもドームは大歓声「ワンバンしないでストライクを…」

  3. 水卜アナが羽鳥が号泣 5月急逝の日テレ河村亮アナの最後のLINE「一睡もできず」に

  4. 4児ママ平愛梨 寝坊し大焦りで弁当作り→夫・長友佑都がかけた言葉が「優しい」「楽にしてくれる」感動の反響

  5. ドジャース奥様会も祝勝会 シャンパンラッパ飲み→大量吹き出し「フォ~ッ!」→シャネル鞄が犠牲w

