Takuya Kimura recalls the first episode of "SMAP x SMAP" and reveals his true feelings to his junior group, saying, "To he honest I really didn't want to be there at the time."

Actor Takuya Kimura (52) appeared on the TBS program "Sore Snow Man ni Yarasetekudasai" broadcasted on the 20th. He talked about his feelings when he starred in the lead role in the Monday 9pm drama "Long Vacation."

Plan of the show was for him to drive the location car and take Snow Man to Tokyo Disney Sea. In the car, he was bombarded with questions from his juniors. When asked, "Which work was your turning point?", he chose "Long Vacation."

In 1996, Kimura, who was 23 years old at the time, played the main character Sena, and the drama depicted a love story between him and Minami, played by actress Tomoko Yamaguchi. The drama recorded a peak audience rating of 36.7%.

Following the first episode of "Long Vacation" at 9:00 pm, "SMAP x SMAP" was on at 10:30 pm. This was the first episode of the nationally loved comedy show. Kimura took over Fuji TV for two and a half hours with the Monday 9pm drama and "SMAP x SMAP" which features skits.

When asked by Snow Man's Ryohei Abe "I think it was directly connected to SMAPxSMAP," Kimura replied, "My true feelings at the time were that I really didn't want it. Just a moment ago, I was trying so hard to convey my feelings to the other person, and then right after that show ended, I was wearing a poodle costume." He brought up the popular SMAPxSMAP skit "P-chan" to express the magnitude of the gap.

"At first, I really hated it, but my feelings gradually changed," he said, revealing that he gradually got used to the discomfort.







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