When Junko Kubo was at NHK, she received complaints about her "dangling earrings" → Risa Kishimoto quietly removed her earrings

Former NHK announcer Junko Kubo appeared on Fuji TV's "Poka Poka" on the 28th. When she revealed the unique rules that are unique to NHK, Fuji TV announcer Risa Kishimoto, who was listening to it next to her, was shown shrinking in size.

Guest Kubo looked back on his time at NHK and raised his card in response to the question, "It seems like there are some unique rules that are unique to NHK."

"For example, clothing. Since we broadcast with the support of reception fees, if we wear something like a scarf in the summer, we'll get phone calls asking, "Is the air conditioner on full blast? What about the studio? Aren't we wasting electricity?"" he said, to which the studio responded in shock, "Eh!"

He also said, "If you have bright red nail polish or dangling earrings, you get complaints that it's too much information and unnecessary," and the camera focused on Kishimoto, who was in the studio.

Kishimoto smiled awkwardly and shrunk down, in the middle of removing her "dangling earrings." Kubo laughed and said "No, no," but Haraichi followed up by saying "It's not a reception fee." "But you should take them off now," he said, laughing.

Kanda Aika, a former NHK employee and Kubo's junior, said, "I get told off for having a red pedicure. But I explain to her why it's red. I tell her that everyone in Paris has red hair and that it's the global standard, but that doesn't work at all. No one gets it," making the studio laugh.

Kubo also revealed that when she was a rookie, she would receive phone calls with complaints, saying, "Whenever I appeared on the news, people like high school students would read it and ask, what's that? I would tell them, sorry, it was me, I'll try harder."










  1. 「レベルが違ぇんだよ、アホが!」BD強面ラッパーが喧嘩自慢をジャブ一発失神KOの衝撃映像「ジャブでKO、話になんねぇよ」

  2. 大谷翔平 術後初のフリー打撃で衝撃的な打球「バットは振れている」18スイングで10発!周囲もあんぐり→苦笑い「違和感がない状態ではないけど」

  3. 大谷に腕絡ませた真美子夫人 キュッキュッと指で 階段で手差し出した大谷の視線と気遣いが優しすぎる

  4. 大谷翔平 術後初のフリー打撃で衝撃的な打球 18スイングで10発!周囲もあんぐり→苦笑い 左肩手術の影響感じさせず

  5. ヤバい激変w「ホンマでっかTV」出演の元アイドル先生に騒然「えっ!あの!」ギャルサー総長→野呂佳代の同期→まさか現在「TV出てる」「全然違う」

