Fuji TV responds to Bunshun's correction: "We have consistently maintained and communicated that the employee in question was not involved in any way."
Fuji Television released a comment on the 28th regarding the correction made to the online version of Shukan Bunshun, which reported on former entertainer Masahiro Nakai 's troubles with a woman, by the 28th. "From the beginning, we have consistently said that 'the employee in question was not involved in any way,'" the company explained once again.
The online version began the article reporting on Masahiro Nakai 's trouble with the woman with a correction: "In this article (published in the issue released on December 26th), we stated that 'Miss. X was invited to the dinner on the day of the incident by Fuji TV's programming executive, Mr. A.' However, subsequent interviews have revealed that 'Miss. X was invited by Mr. Nakai' and 'she viewed it as an extension of the meeting that Mr. A had set up.' We apologize and make this correction. In addition, from follow-up article #2 (published in the issue released on January 8th) onwards, we have been reporting content that takes into account the results of subsequent interviews."
In light of this, Fuji TV issued the following comment: "Ever since the article was published, we have consistently maintained that 'Regarding the dinner party where the incident is alleged to have occurred, the employee in question was not involved in any way, including setting up the party. He was not even aware of the existence of the party, nor did he suddenly disappear on the day,' and we communicated this to the publisher. Going forward, we will leave the investigation to the third-party committee."
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