Nagisa Watanabe appears on live broadcast "Good evening" as MC with a smile "Time flies when we're chatting" Looking back on the SV League All-Star game
Former Fuji TV announcer Watanabe Nagisa appeared live on the YouTube channel of volleyball-specialized media outlet "Volleyball King" on the 31st.
Watanabe, together with former Japan national team player and SV League ambassador Motoko Obayashi, looked back on the SV League All-Star game and the first half of the season. "Good evening, volleyball fans. It's time for a special look back at the SV League All-Star game and the first half of the season. I, Nagisa Watanabe, will be the MC again today," she said with a smile.
MC Watanabe smiled and said, "It went by so quickly. We were chatting away." He concluded the hour-long live MC by saying, "Thank you to everyone who watched the stream. Let's look forward to the next stream!"
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