Masahiro Nakai 's fan club site announced to close, new registrations suspended on this day
The paid fan club site of former talent Masahiro Nakai, who announced his retirement from the entertainment industry on the 23rd of this month, was updated on the 31st, announcing that the site will be closed on February 19th.
The site announced, "We have decided to close the service on February 19, 2025. Please note that you will not be able to view the content after the service ends," and also reported, "In addition, we have stopped accepting new members as of 7:00 PM on January 31, 2025."
The website was then updated, saying, "Thank you for always using 'Nakai Zura Those Girls...' We have decided to close 'Nakai Zura Those Girls...' on February 19, 2025. Please note that you will not be able to view the content after the service ends. We will inform you of the refund procedure at a later date. Thank you very much for your patronage over the years."
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