"Fuji TV Criticism" strongly criticizes: "Respect for human rights" promise in the old Johnny's issue, Nakai's issue had already arisen

Fuji TV's "Weekly Fuji TV Review," which aired on the 1st, changed its plans and invited experts to give their opinions on Fuji TV's response to Masahiro Nakai 's troubles with women.

The program explained the Fuji TV press conference held on January 27th, citing specific figures such as "10 hours and 24 minutes" and "504 questions." It also said that viewers had made over 7,400 comments and suggestions about the two press conferences.

Professor Yoshihiro Oto of the Faculty of Letters at Sophia University, who appeared as one of the experts, began with some harsh words, saying, "I came here today with the feeling that I had to get angry."

"That is because in October 2023, I appeared as a third party on a program based on the results of an investigation into sexual assault by the founder of the former Johnnys Entertainment," he said, referring to the "Weekly Fuji TV Criticism Special Edition" that aired on October 21, 2023.

At the end of the program, Fuji Television's future policy was stated as follows: "Fuji Television believes that respect for human rights is a universal and extremely important principle. We will continue to strive to fulfill our responsibility to respect basic human rights toward all stakeholders, including business partners."

Oto pointed out that the trouble between Nakai and the woman occurred in June 2023, and commented, "At that very time, the Nakai incident had already occurred and things were moving forward, so I am very concerned about whether the respect for human rights that we have discussed here was truly ingrained in the company."







  1. 凄い似てると思ったら娘!「家政夫のミタゾノ」25歳女優に騒然→母は魔性の美人女優「横顔ソックリだな」漂う雰囲気も「調べたら娘」「声も似てる」

  2. 激似すぎて衝撃 斉藤由貴の娘「行列」現る そっくり美貌、歌声に上戸彩も驚き「声、似てる!」 「そっくり」「涙目」「似てると思ったら」

  3. 2丁拳銃「吉本一ケンカ強い芸人」の震撼伝説 不良をパンチ一発で撃退「ブレイキングダウン出てほしい」格闘経験あるヤンキー

  4. 最恐芸人・つまみ枝豆 妻の美人タレントとTV現れ騒然「奥さんなの?」「夫婦って知らなかった」「めっちゃ綺麗」

  5. 「俳優辞めてたのか」原田知世と共演の元人気俳優 TV現れ騒然「久しぶりに見た」「懐かしい」「深町くん!」




  1. 凄い似てると思ったら娘!「家政夫のミタゾノ」25歳女優に騒然→母は魔性の美人女優「横顔ソックリだな」漂う雰囲気も「調べたら娘」「声も似てる」

  2. 激似すぎて衝撃 斉藤由貴の娘「行列」現る そっくり美貌、歌声に上戸彩も驚き「声、似てる!」 「そっくり」「涙目」「似てると思ったら」

  3. 2丁拳銃「吉本一ケンカ強い芸人」の震撼伝説 不良をパンチ一発で撃退「ブレイキングダウン出てほしい」格闘経験あるヤンキー

  4. 最恐芸人・つまみ枝豆 妻の美人タレントとTV現れ騒然「奥さんなの?」「夫婦って知らなかった」「めっちゃ綺麗」

  5. 「俳優辞めてたのか」原田知世と共演の元人気俳優 TV現れ騒然「久しぶりに見た」「懐かしい」「深町くん!」

