Toru Hashimoto, who asked Bunshun to correct the statement, said, "I was aware that Nakai had invited her on January 6th." "If only they had corrected it immediately."

On the 1st, lawyer Toru Hashimoto appeared live on Kansai TV's "Dotto Connect." He commented on the Fuji TV press conference regarding Masahiro Nakai 's troubles with a woman.

Regarding the dinner party in June 2023 where the trouble is said to have occurred, Weekly Bunshun's first report, released on December 26th of last year, stated that "she was invited by a Fuji employee," but in the second report, released on January 8th, this was changed to "she was invited by Mr. Nakai." Bunshun issued a short correction in its paid online edition on the morning of the press conference on the 27th by Fuji TV's management, and then on the 28th, it issued an apology and correction on Bunshun Online, which is the free version (Bunshun claims that "it was perceived as an 'extension' of the party set up by Fuji employee A").

The story goes that Hashimoto pointed out to Bunshun that "it is dishonest to quietly rewrite the story," which led to the correction. When MC Ryoji Ishii asked, "Was the timing of (Bunshun's) correction strange?" he replied, "According to Bunshun's version, they were aware as of January 6th that the facts were different, that it was Nakai who invited her, not an employee. I also started to mention (the change in the article) on my program, and (Bunshun) was aware of it by around mid-January. If I had made a correction immediately like they did on the 28th (of January), I think the situation at Fuji TV's press conference (on the 27th) would have been different."

On the other hand, Hashimoto also gave a certain degree of praise to Bunshun's stance in issuing a correction and apology for the article.







  1. 高橋洋一氏 石破首相は「操り人形」影の実力者を実名告白 内閣は「ガラクタの寄せ集め」総選挙のポスターに注目

  2. 石破首相 日米首脳会談でのマナーに「ありえないでしょ!」外交評論家が呆れる 識者も「礼儀…」 正義のミカタで

  3. 山里亮太が許せない先輩女性芸人とは…「お前、干すから」と毎回陰湿暴言

  4. 学歴最強の美女芸人 現役東大院生でTOEIC925点 大久保佳代子に憧れ先輩芸人に逆セクハラを繰り返した結果

  5. 「時かけ」原田知世相手役の高柳良一氏「一生の宝」 現在はニッポン放送総務部長




  1. 高橋洋一氏 石破首相は「操り人形」影の実力者を実名告白 内閣は「ガラクタの寄せ集め」総選挙のポスターに注目

  2. 石破首相 日米首脳会談でのマナーに「ありえないでしょ!」外交評論家が呆れる 識者も「礼儀…」 正義のミカタで

  3. JLPGA「必要に応じて事実関係の調査、対応を講ず電子版で女子プロ3選手の不倫報道

  4. 山里亮太が許せない先輩女性芸人とは…「お前、干すから」と毎回陰湿暴言

  5. 学歴最強の美女芸人 現役東大院生でTOEIC925点 大久保佳代子に憧れ先輩芸人に逆セクハラを繰り返した結果

