TKO's Takayuki Kinoshita will not appear on live radio show with guest actress; female YouTuber's post causes controversy with being cut from "Gaki no Tsukai" etc
On the 1st, Takayuki Kinoshita of the comedy duo TKO appeared live on Shibuya Cross FM's "Shiroshi's Future GOGO!". He had just admitted and apologized for taking a female YouTuber to a hotel after she posted something on her X (formerly Twitter). Wearing a black cap and a white hoodie, he greeted the audience by saying, "Hello, I'm a problematic child. I'm Sorry."
MC Shiroshi explained, "We asked them not to touch on this issue, as we have sponsors," and then talked about stories from his past. The show ended as if nothing had happened. Kinoshita drove his own car and bowed slightly to the press before leaving the venue.
Just before the show aired, it was announced that actress Nozomi Arimura, who was supposed to be a guest alongside Kinoshita, would not be attending. Shiroshi explained on X that she had "withdrawn from appearing due to personal reasons."
Regarding Kinoshita, a female YouTuber posted that X "grabbed her arm after dinner and took her to a hotel even though she refused." Kinoshita apologized on January 30th on TKO's YouTube channel. Nippon TV has caused a stir by announcing that they will cut Kinoshita's appearance from the variety show "Downtown no Gaki no Tsukai ya Arahende!" which will be aired on the 2nd.
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