Nagisa Watanabe, who left Fuji TV and announced that she has PTSD, updated social media account by saying, "I kept asking myself why I was alive." She revealed her feelings a year ago and showed off a pale green dress.
Former Fuji TV announcer Watanabe Nagisa updated her Instagram on the 17th.
She expressed her gratitude to the readers of her photo essay "Fulfilling Transparency" (Kodansha), explaining, "Exactly a year ago at this time, I still had no physical strength and was asking myself why I was alive. Looking at my diary from that time, I find myself writing in bed, 'Even if I sometimes have fun and happy things, the pain-relieving effect of that happiness wears off in an instant.' I wrote down what I was thinking and feeling during those dark days in 'Fulfilling Transparency'."
In the first chapter, she writes about her life, her time as a company employee, PTSD and treatment, writing, "I also wrote about the days when reality was so painful that I couldn't even bear to breathe, and I hurt myself. My body was gradually falling apart, and my heart and mind repeatedly reminded me that I was never this kind of person to begin with, and I cried many times out of frustration and regret. It wasn't easy to write, but if leaving this behind can inspire someone to change or think about something, even just a little, then it may have been worth it for me to get sick."
She continued, in the second chapter, which describes her present and her future, "I wrote about a variety of themes, including words that saved me, my inner thoughts, the worries I face as a woman, and quitting my job. The theme, 'Having a dream - even if you don't have one', is short, but it is a piece of writing that I feel personally attached to.''
Watanabe wrote, "I strongly feel that I do not want to set a precedent that says, 'Because I have trauma or PTSD, I have to live in the shadows for the rest of my life.' I approached this book honestly and without lies and wrote it. I would be happy if the meaning I put into the title, 'Fulfilling Transparency,' reaches people."
Watanabe fell ill in early June 2023 and took a leave of absence from July. She left Fuji TV in August 2024 and announced in October of the same year that she had been suffering from PTSD.
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