"CROSSPOINT", a Japanese-Filipino co-production starring Takehiro Hira, who appeared in "SHOGUN", will be released in Japan. Produced by Sho Ikushima
It was announced on the 4th that the action film "CROSSPOINT", starring actor Takehiro Hira, who has received worldwide acclaim for his roles in the TV drama "SHOGUN" and the film "Captain America: Brave New World", will be released in Japan from May 24th.
The film tells the story of a former popular Filipino idol who is struggling to make ends meet and comes to Japan to make money, and the president of a construction company on the verge of bankruptcy as they attempt to catch a serial killer with a large bounty on his head. A Japan-Philippine co-production, Hira co-stars with Filipino actor and musician Carlo Aquino.
His co-stars include Filipino jazz singer Marine, actresses Misa Shimizu and Rie Shibata, as well as dancer and actor Sho Ikushima, who was in charge of producing and planning the film.
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