Fans of New Jeans, who have declared changes to NJZ, file a petition with the court to "dismiss Adore's application"

Local media Xsports News reported on the 13th that fans of New Jeans, who have declared that the group will temporarily change their name to "NJZ," have filed a petition in court.

According to the article, the five-member fan alliance, "Team Bunnies," announced on the 12th that they had submitted a petition signed by over 30,000 fans both at home and abroad to the Seoul Central District Court.

Team Bunnies explained, "Through this petition, fans support and encourage the members to terminate their exclusive contracts. The reason for this is that we are concerned that HYBE Chairman Bang Si Hyuk has intentionally discriminated against the members and that this hostile environment will not change. The seven-year period (of the contract) is also a crucial period in their lives as K-pop idols. NJZ members Minji is 20, Hani is 20, Daniel is 19, Hyelin is 18, and Haein is 16, and some of them are minors. It is far too harsh to tie the members' dreams and lives down in an unbearable place and leave them there. If they are forced to continue exclusive activities in a hostile environment where trust has been broken, the members' suffering will only be prolonged."

They then requested that Adore's application for a provisional injunction be dismissed so that the members can focus on their musical careers in a safe and happy environment with people they can trust.

New Jeans announced the termination of their exclusive contract with Adore in November of last year. After that, Adore filed a lawsuit in court in December of last year to confirm the validity of their exclusive contract with the New Jeans members, and in January of this year, they filed a provisional injunction to prohibit them from entering into advertising contracts. A hearing was held on the 7th of this month, with all five members in attendance.







  1. 7人の子の父、橋下徹氏「今の妻とずっと籍を入れてなかった」TVで告白 「内縁関係で」

  2. ええーっ! EXIT兼近、来日した大谷翔平とまさか密会かと騒然 SNSに目を疑う2ショ「会いにきてくれた」ファン驚き「ビックリした」

  3. これが制服?!可愛すぎる!ロンドン在住女子アナ 英国小学校時の制服姿公開、元フジ人気アナの姉と仲良く

  4. 京大卒「ナイトスクープ」美人秘書 「一般人」夫は東大卒「ひるおび」などTV出演多数の有名人だった

  5. 橋下氏、長男からたしなめられる「切磋琢磨をコロナ禍でいうべきじゃない」




  1. 7人の子の父、橋下徹氏「今の妻とずっと籍を入れてなかった」TVで告白 「内縁関係で」

  2. ええーっ! EXIT兼近、来日した大谷翔平とまさか密会かと騒然 SNSに目を疑う2ショ「会いにきてくれた」ファン驚き「ビックリした」

  3. 大谷のイケメン同僚キケ 妻はミス・ユニバース・プエルトリコ!ガラで最注目ゴージャス夫妻、私服も超お洒落

  4. ドジャース フリーマンがきれいなチャーター機の内部を公開 長男・チャーリー君とともに日本へ 旧友ヘイワードもメッセージ

  5. 大谷翔平 真美子さんがプレゼントした日本製の巾着袋&お菓子「旅行中に笑顔になってもらえたら」ファン感動「ホントに素敵な人」「ファンの総意」

