Ryosuke Yamada smiles as he tries his favorite strawberry chocolate fondue: "The coverage has eliminated the lumps."
Ryosuke Yamada (31), a member of the popular group Hey! Say! JUMP, appeared at the new product ambassador and new commercial announcement event for the makeup brand Maybelline New York in Tokyo on the 17th.
He appeared in a beige suit that matched his foundation. He introduced his new foundation "SP Stay Cream Pact Foundation". The product is a balm that feels like raw chocolate that melts and adheres to the skin, and is said to be resistant to smudging for 30 hours. He made the unexpected suggestion, "30 hours is amazing. Shall I do a 30-hour live broadcast?" However, he laughed and said, "The texture of my skin won't change, but I might get older, physically."
At the event, instead of a "chocolate fondue," he performed a "chocolate foundation," in which chocolate was used as the color of foundation. "The color is amazing. No way!" he said in surprise. When he made his favorite strawberry "foundation," he said with a smile, "it had the same coverage as a 'cream pact' and no lumps were left." He was enthusiastic, saying, "I'll do my best to convey as much of its charm as possible."
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