Shosuke Tanihara's vivid memories of the Sarin gas attack 30 years ago: "I was planning to go to a studio in Kamiyacho"

On the 20th, actor Shosuke Tanihara appeared on Fuji TV's Mezamashi 8 program, looking back on the events that took place on the day of the Tokyo subway sarin gas attack, which marks its 30th anniversary.

The program marks 30 years since the Tokyo subway sarin gas attack, and features interviews with the stationmaster of Kasumigaseki Station at the time, among others. It covers the struggles of those who are still suffering from the aftereffects of the attack, and those who lost loved ones.

Tanihara said, "Thirty years ago, I was working as a model. I was planning to go to a studio in nearby Kamiyacho around 8 a.m., and I was planning to go by train." He revealed that on the day of the incident, he was planning to take the subway where the incident occurred to head to work.

"But then I happened to oversleep and rushed over on my motorcycle, and saw chaos from Kamiyacho to Tsukiji. I didn't know what had happened, but something had happened. When I heard that it was an incident involving sarin, it really sent chills down my spine," he recalled vividly.

Because he remembers this incident, he said, "I've had the feeling even back then that this is not something that is happening to someone else."







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