Shohei Ohtani 's English speech touches the hearts of American fans: "I can't help shedding tears" and "He's our MVP"; Dodgers spread the full video to LA, where a massive fire has hit, saying "We can overcome this"

On the 26th (27th Japan time), the Dodgers released a video of Shohei Ohtani, who gave a three-minute English speech at a dinner hosted by the New York chapter of the Baseball Writers' Association of America the day before. American fans praised him, saying, "This is our MVP."

The Dodgers introduced the words, "We wanted to dedicate this award to the entire city of Los Angeles. To all the emergency responders, firefighters and all the fire departments who made heroic efforts to fight the fires in Los Angeles." In addition, in relation to the wildfires, they also delivered a message at the end, "Strong and united, we will get through this."

At the beginning, he said, "I'm sorry I can't attend this year's BBWAA Awards. The Los Angeles fires have already affected us and it was very difficult for me and my family to attend for many reasons. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families who lost homes and loved ones, all the people affected by the fires, and all the animals who were displaced or lost. This fire hit the heart of Los Angeles. We are all trying to help in any way we can, big or small." After apologizing for his absence, he shared the current situation in Los Angeles and his family's situation.

In his approximately three-minute speech, Shohei Ohtani expressed his gratitude to his wife Mamiko, saying, "Thank you for always being by my side, my beautiful wife," and his "special thanks" to Will Ireton, who was suddenly tasked with interpreting due to the scandal involving former interpreter Mizuhara. American fans responded with comments such as, "This is our MVP," "A lovable professional athlete," "A heartfelt act from a true champion," "It was very courageous of Shohei to speak in English," "I can't help but shed tears," and "Great speech, and great English." His heartfelt words appear to have touched the hearts of the local people.







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