Roki Sasaki already confirmed for promotion to the majors!? Unprecedented Bobblehead Day decided. Shohei Ohtani will be the fourth in the game against the White Sox on August 4th, Dodgers announce.

On January 31 (February 1, Japan time), the Dodgers announced the schedule of events to be held at home games this season. Along with a bobblehead day for Shohei Ohtani, a title event for pitcher Roki Sasaki who is under a minor league contract, has also been scheduled.

Events in honor of Ohtani include "MVP Bobblehead Day" at the game against the Braves scheduled for April 2nd, "50-50 Bobblehead Day" at the game against the Athletics on May 15th, "Shohei Ohtani World Series Ring" at the game against the Cardinals on August 6th, and "Shohei Ohtani Bobblehead" at the game against the Rockies on September 10th.

Last season, on Ohtani's bobblehead day, Dekopin appeared and threw the first pitch, attracting a lot of attention from American fans. At that time, a gold Ohtani & Dekopin bobblehead also appeared, and fans fought over it. When entering, the queue stretched out around Dodger Stadium, creating a lot of excitement.

In addition, pitcher Roki Sasaki who is under a minor league contract, will have a Bobblehead Day at the game against the Cardinals on August 4th. Usually, events are held for players who are on the 40-man roster in the major leagues, so it seems that he has already been promoted to the major leagues. Pitcher Yoshinobu Yamamoto's Bobblehead Day is scheduled for the game against the White Sox on July 2nd.








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