Cubs: Japanese and American media erupt in laughter at Imanaga and Suzuki's press conference. Imanaga: "I had no idea he was such a humorous person." Suzuki: "(The interpreter) is having the most fun, isn't he?"

Cubs pitcher Shota Imanaga and outfielder Seiya Suzuki, who will be playing in the opening series against the Dodgers, held a press conference at a hotel in Tokyo on the 14th, and the left-handed pitcher's opening words were, "I feel a sense of responsibility and pressure."

When asked what he thought had changed in America, Imanaga said, "I realized that I was such a humorous person. And I also realized that Suzuki was there. I was happy to have a player I could ask anything to in my locker room, and I think that saved me." He has been spreading positive news, such as giving himself the nickname "Mike Imanaga II" to make it easier to draw attention to iced lattes at coffee shops and changing the nameplate on his locker.

Suzuki then retorted, "Everyone is having a great time, but you (the interpreter) are having the most fun, right?" which caused the Japanese and American media to erupt in laughter.

Imanaga also paid attention to his teammates. At the reception party the day before, a tuna cutting show was held, and he said, "It was a surprising perspective for me to see that they were really interested in things like this." However, when they met at the Tokyo Dome the next morning, he said, "Everyone had already been preparing since the morning."

This time, five Japanese players will be participating. "We hope that many more Japanese players will be able to play in America, and we want to do our best here," Imanaga said with enthusiasm.








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  4. 妻は元超人気アイドル 和田毅氏「家族と迎える初の誕生日」44歳お祝い写真に「若々しい!」「ケーキもセンスが良くて素敵」

  5. 妻は元超人気アイドル 和田毅氏「家族と迎える初の誕生日」44歳お祝い写真に「若々しい!」「ケーキもセンスが良くて素敵」




  1. 「マジで誰かと思った」25歳になったメドベージェワが衝撃変貌「どこのハリウッド女優かと」「髪の女神」

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  3. フリー転身報道のNHK中川安奈アナ 阪神キャンプを取材 ベージュのニットで双眼鏡手に熱心に

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