Shohei Ohtani 50-50 "Dekopin Spikes" to be exhibited in Shibuya under extremely strict security measures, with security guards accompanying the transport from the US to Japan
New Balance Japan Co., Ltd., which supports the Shohei Ohtani players of the U.S. Major League Baseball Dodgers by providing equipment, held a preview of the limited-time store "The Shohei Ohtani Collection Tokyo" (15th~23rd) in Tokyo on the 14th. The "Dekopin cleats" (cleats) that Ohtani wore when he reached 50-50 are on display in an ultra-high state of alert.
The treasures are on display on the first floor of the limited-time store. The commemorative "Dekopin Spikes" that Ohtani wore in the game against the Marlins (Miami) on September 19th, when he became the first player in MLB history to hit 50 home runs and steal 50 bases, are set to be displayed at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. Such a gem is on display at the limited-time store.
During the exhibition, two cameras were set up to keep watch, and security guards were always on hand. The "Dekopin Spikes" are on display under extremely strict security. They were hand-carried from the US to Japan for display at the limited-time store. A New Balance representative explained, "We made multiple plans and brought them over. The US employees came with security guards." After the exhibition ends, they will be transported back to the US under extremely strict security.
The limited-time store will be a large-scale operation spanning three floors, and will sell related merchandise such as new products from "The Ohtani Signature Collection," as well as feature an immersive spot where you can experience the story behind the signature logo and the dynamism of Ohtani on the field, as well as an exclusive cafe.
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