Dodgers players say "Wow!" at Tsukiji; Ohtani poster at convenience store (laughs); "I know him" - pitcher also hooked on salmon rice balls
Dodgers pitchers Snell and Tanner Scott, who are currently visiting Japan, explored Tsukiji Market. Their fun-loving appearance has caused a stir.
The video was also posted on the Dodgers' official social media on the 15th, with Snell trying sushi and laughing bitterly, "Wasabiiiiiii." Before eating the mitarashi dango, he asked, "Is this dessert?" after seeing the liquid that looked like teriyaki sauce on it. He was thrilled with the wagyu steak, saying, "That's sooo good! WOW!"
Also, at a convenience store (Family Mart), there was a large advertisement (poster) for Shohei Ohtani 's rice balls above the drink section, and someone was smiling and saying, "I know him!"
Knack also appears to have tried salmon rice balls for the first time, with his fiancee, Anisa, reporting that they're "his new favorite food."
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