Dodgers' Teoscar smiles brightly on the podium for the first time, appears in casual clothes! Gives Shohei Ohtani, "It was great to show them to you" → Teoscar himself is confident of his shot, "Happy"
"Preseason game, Giants 1-5 Dodgers" (15th, Tokyo Dome)
Dodgers outfielder Teoscar Hernandez showed off his trademark smile on the stage for the first time. He appeared on the field in casual clothes and said, "It was great to show off the sunflower seeds. It was also great to see Ohtani hit it."
In the third inning, Shohei Ohtani hit a triumphant two-run home run. Teoscar was waiting in front of the bench with sunflower seeds. Still excited, he hit a home run into the left field stands.
"I'm really happy to have been able to hit in front of all the Japanese people," he said, to a huge round of applause.
Regarding playing at Tokyo Dome, he said, "I feel happy because everyone gives me warm cheers," and called on fans to "please support the Dodgers" and "I'm glad that everyone always gives me loud cheers."
もっとみる「MISAMO可愛すぎやろ」ド軍公式にヘソ出しコーデで登場 「みな足長すぎん?」「由伸も顔ちっさ」
ドジャース 日系才媛テイラー夫人の着物姿が美しい♥茶道で背筋真っすぐ&凛とした佇まい グラスノーの婚約者と一緒に
ドジャース フリーマン&グラスノーの紳士的行動がファンの感動呼ぶ「一瞬で好きになった」「掛け合いが泣ける」
ドジャース・佐々木、前夜大谷の本塁打に「ただただ、すごいな」 19日のメジャー公式戦初登板へ「まさか東京ドームで迎えられるとはビックリ」