Dodgers' first experience with cheering using noisemakers received positive reviews: "Very cool. It was the best." Conforto, who hit the opening home run, is thrilled. Teoscar says, "I'm happy."
"Preseason game, Giants 1-5 Dodgers" (15th, Tokyo Dome)
How did the Dodgers players feel about the Japanese cheering? Outfielder Michael Conforto, who hit the opening run, commented, "It was very cool."
During the Giants' batting, the Tokyo Dome played a hitting march with trumpets, but was silent during the Dodgers' batting. The silence was especially intense during Shohei Ohtani 's turn at bat, creating a unique sense of tension.
It was the Dodgers' first experience cheering with musical instruments. "It was very cool. It was great. I enjoyed it," Conforto said with a smile. "The energy at the Dome was high."
Teoscar Hernandez, who stood on the stage in casual clothes, said with a smile, "I'm happy that everyone is cheering for me so warmly." Before the game, manager Roberts said, "I'm looking forward to the support of the many fans in the outfield. I think the cheers will be amazing."
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