Will the former outsider's rivalry come true at BD16? Keisuke vs. Junshi Urita Keisuke: "Let's do it in Osaka." Urikita also: "I want to fight Keisuke and finish my career." A big brawl in 2013
On the 6th, popular fighter Keisuke "King of Outsiders" from "Breaking Down", a martial arts event held by mixed martial artist Mikuru Asakura to decide who is the strongest for one minute, updated his X. "If you win against Uriida-kun, Seya, let's fight at the Osaka tournament," he said, asking another former outsider, "Outlaw Charisma" Junshi Urita to fight at BD16, scheduled to be held in Osaka in July.
The two men had a history of fighting as leaders of the Osaka vs. North Kanto match, a showdown to decide who was the strongest fighter, at a press conference on the day before BD9 on August 25, 2011. In the auditions for the 15th tournament, which are currently being made public, Uriida was scheduled to face off against Asakura's junior high school senior, Seya, who was known for his drunken and abusive behavior. Keisuke criticized Uriida for slapping Seya at the audition, saying, "It's impossible to sit in the organizer's seat and immediately get your hands on someone you know won't fight back. Who do you think you are?" Uriida also rebelled, saying, "Who do you think you are, even though you didn't even come to the audition?" and the grudge deepened.
Ueda also wrote on his own X, "I really want to make this happen. I want to end my career as a player by fighting against Keisuke at the Osaka tournament," and momentum is building.
もっとみる若っ!?“西の伝説”が無敗の伝説喧嘩師に対戦要求 若かりし頃の写真とともに「3度目の兄弟喧嘩」 BD16で実現か
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