The beautiful Dodgers reporter posted 19 photos social media with the caption "Unforgettable memories. Thank you Tokyo." She also bid farewell to the reporter, saying "Please come to Japan again ♥"
Dodgers reporter Kirsten Watson updated her Instagram on the 20th, writing, "Unforgettable memories. Thank you Tokyo. Thank you Dodgers for bringing me on this journey," along with photos and videos of her memories from the MLB opening series against the Cubs.
There are photos taken in front of a blooming cherry tree, footage of the game at Tokyo Dome, a photo taken from photographer seat on the third base side of the Dodgers bench with pitchers Shohei Ohtani and Roki Sasaki, photos of Sensoji Temple and the Amida statue in its grounds, Japanese food, an ordinary alleyway in the city center, matcha lattes, ramen, and even a shot of him with Cubs reporter Taylor McGregor. The 19 photos and videos are full of memories, and followers have sent messages of appreciation, encouragement, and farewells, saying things like, "Please come to Japan again♥," "Thank you for your hard work in Japan. Please do your best with your work there," "Thank you for showing us these wonderful photos," and "Please be safe on your way back to America!!"
もっとみる大谷翔平 OP戦二塁打締め 東京開幕後米国で初安打 髪も切った準備万端、本拠地開幕戦へ
ドジャース ベッツが実戦復帰「完全に元気になった」 ベストメンバーでタイガース戦へ
大谷翔平 ロッカーに国内メーカーのグラブワックス 野球ファンが共感「勝手に親近感」「ぶち上がった」手入れも自ら
日本人が絶賛したドジャース奥さま ブロンド美貌×赤の着物に「この色が似合うなんて」「より一層美しい」「可愛らしいしカッコいい」
ベッツ、全快宣言「完全に元気」 16日ぶり実戦復帰 原因不明の体調不良で体重激減
大谷翔平は2打数1安打で交代 ホーム開幕前の最終OP戦 三回の第2打席で右中間フェンス直撃の二塁打