Orix's Yamaoka apologizes, "I have completely changed my attitude towards baseball" - first public appearance since suspending activities at online casino - rejoins team

On the 21st, Orix Buffaloes pitcher Taisuke Yamaoka, who had suspended his activities due to his past use of online casinos and resumed individual training on the 13th, spoke to the press at the team's facility in Osaka City. This was Yamaoka's first time speaking to the press in public since he suspended his activities. "I truly apologize for causing concern and trouble to so many people, including my fans and teammates," he said, expressing his regret.

With a serious expression on his face, Yamaoka bowed his head and said, "I want to change my attitude towards baseball from scratch and do my best." During the self-restraint period, he received contact from his teammates, saying, "I received messages from many people, including my teammates. I felt frustrated and sorry that I couldn't play baseball."

Regarding his use of online casinos, he reflected, "It's hard to understand (about illegality), but I need to look into that kind of thing properly and do something else." Regarding the fact that Yamaoka was the only NPB player whose name was made public in this incident, he said, "Rather than having to do with other players, I talked with the team about the actions I had taken, and that's the result we came to."

Yamaoka said that he had been exercising at home during the period of self-restraint from February 21 to March 12. Since resuming individual training on the 13th, he has been training at the team's facilities.

The events that have occurred up to this point are as follows: on February 17th, the team received a request from the NPB to investigate Yamaoka, claiming that they had received information about his use of online casinos, and the team and Yamaoka met the following day, on the 18th.

On the 21st, the team announced that Yamaoka, who had returned to Osaka from his spring training camp in Miyazaki and consulted with the Osaka Prefectural Police, would be suspending his activities. On March 12, the team announced that Yamaoka would resume activities the following day, the 13th.

Yamaoka will join the team from this day.








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