Noriko Sakai - 20cm above the knees "Because it's in front of everyone" 38th anniversary live - Exotic stage development
Singer and actress Noriko Sakai (53) held a 38th anniversary debut concert, "Noriko Sakai Carpe Diem," in Tokyo on the 5th.
The stage was directed by world-famous belly dancer Nakamura India, and had an exotic atmosphere. In the stage, she looked back on her history, performing her hit song "No Re Nai Teen-age" from her debut in 1987, as well as her signature songs "Aoi Usagi" and "Kagami no Dress."
She also showed her attention to fashion, showing off three different outfits on the day, from a gorgeous dress to a casual T-shirt. Among them, the super miniskirt outfit that was about 20cm above the knee blew fans away. Sakai also asked with a shy smile, "Is the skirt too short? Are you sure?", and drew laughter by saying, "It's because I'm in front of everyone. I don't usually wear things like this, so don't worry."
Towards the end of the show, close friend and talent Tomomi Nishimura appeared as a guest. After the show, Sakai commented, "We were able to create a wonderful stage thanks to everyone's help, so it was really warm and I was very happy. I was reminded that being able to express what you love and be surrounded by people you love is not something to be taken for granted."
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