How much does the tuna cutting show directed by Shohei Ohtani cost? A dinner party with top sushi chefs and famous yakitori restaurants - what's the bill?
The dinner party, which was organized by Dodgers pitchers Shohei Ohtani, Yoshinobu Yamamoto, and Roki Sasaki and invited all the players on the night of the 16th, was apparently a grand affair. The next day, on the 17th, manager Roberts revealed that "many of the players said it was the best meal they had ever had."
During the dinner, a 180 kg tuna was dissected. The going rate for a bluefin tuna dissection show is 7,000 yen per kilogram, so the bill, including the craftsman's fee, is expected to be close to 1.5 million yen.
It is also said that top sushi chefs and famous yakitori restaurants were gathered together, and Freeman was served sea urchin sushi, so the total cost of the dinner is likely to have been well over 2 million yen.
Manager Roberts said, "The bond between the players has grown and we have become more united. It was a great night for the players." Although Betts, one of the MVP trio, missed the first two games in Tokyo due to poor health, the Dodgers' unity must have become even stronger as they strive to become world champions for the second consecutive year.
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