Yamamoto in a photo shoot with Otani and Sasaki! MLB official commented, "Behind the scenes of the shoot" lol → American fans responded with "So cute," "The best!" and "I love you ♥"

"Cubs 3 - Dodgers 6" (19th, Tokyo Dome)

The opening series ended with two consecutive wins for the Dodgers. After the game, Dodgers Shohei Ohtani pitcher, Yoshinobu Yamamoto, and Roki Sasaki pitcher took a selfie on the field. Later, five Japanese players from both teams, including Cubs pitchers Shota Imanaga and Seiya Suzuki, also took a commemorative photo. Japanese staff members from both teams also joined in for a commemorative photo, smiling and interacting with each other.

Yamamoto, who became a hot topic for taking photos of Otani's press conference with his own smartphone near the entrance to the conference room, took a selfie with Otani and the others on his own smartphone this time as well. The three of them had warm smiles and looked like they were having a great time.

In fact, during this photo shoot, Yamamoto, sandwiched between the two tall guys, stretched up to adjust his height. MLB's official Instagram did not miss this, and posted a photo with the words "This is what happens when you're next to Shohei and Rouki," first without the feet of the three in the photo, and then a photo of Yamamoto stretching up as hard as he could, with the words "Behind the scenes" and "Behind the scenes of this photo shoot," along with a crying and laughing emoji. Moreover, a circle was made with a red pen around Yamamoto's feet as he stood on his tiptoes, and the third photo was just of Yamamoto's feet. They took note of Yamamoto's playful behavior.

American fans have responded to this post with comments such as "So cute," "Best photo!", "Her toes are cute," and "I love this photo ♥♥."







  1. 張本勲氏 松坂の球宴登板に「力の衰えた選手は見たくない。ミジメだね」

  2. 星野監督、マー君の“雄叫び”OK 選考委員は「バカじゃないの!?」

  3. 東京学館浦安 谷佳知、亮子夫妻の息子・佳亮 1安打放つも敗退で号泣「大学でもやろうと思ってます」

  4. 高木豊氏のパ・リーグ順位予想公開 1位は日本ハム 前年優勝のソフトバンクは3位 ポイントは「上り調子か停滞か」

  5. 巨人・田中将が空振り三振に苦笑い 2軍戦で打席に立ち豪快にフルスイング バットに当てファウルのたびに「おお~っ」「すごい!」と歓声




