Fans of Shohei Ohtani, comment on a growth record of Dekopin, saying, "Thank you," "It's so exciting," and "I just want to see Dekopin." His follower count is approaching the big number.

On the 22nd, Shohei Ohtani, a pitcher for the Dodgers, created a highlight of his beloved dog, Dekopin, on his Instagram. It drew a huge response from fans, and the number of followers has now exceeded 9 million. The big milestone is approaching.

Titled "Deco," the post is a compilation of photos of Dekopin that he has posted so far. Starting with a photo of a custom-made visa, there is a shot of him biting into a Power Pro that was given to him by Konami, and a sad-looking Dekopin while being held when they attended the Baseball Writers' Association of America dinner in 2024, and other images that show his growth so far.

The video also includes memories of Ohtani's birthday and the first pitch at Dodger Stadium in August last year, and at the end, he returned to Japan after the opening series in Japan and added an image of Dekopin with his eyes wide open. Dekopin are loved by fans not only in Japan but also in the United States. Ohtani's Instagram followers, which were in the 8 million range as of February, have now topped 9 million, and are on their way to reaching the 10 million mark.

Japanese fans responded with Dekopin such as, "Ohtani made a highlight of Dekopin, it's so cool, thank you," "Shohei Ohtani is a doting father who has compiled all Dekopin pictures he's seen so far as a highlight on Instagram," "Thank you," and "I ended up following Ohtani's Instagram just because I wanted to see Dekopin."











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