Dodgers co-owner pleads with Shohei Ohtani to "please don't get hurt"; 81-year-old wife of tennis legend King has high hopes for Ohtani as pitcher, saying "I'm looking forward to everything"

Billie Jean King (81), a legend in the women's tennis world and one of the co-owners of the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team of Major League Baseball, gave an interview in Tokyo on the 21st.

He came to Japan to watch the Dodgers' opening series at the Tokyo Dome, and witnessed pitcher Shohei Ohtani 's (30) first home run of the season in the second game on the 19th. "I was even taking a video (on my smartphone). It was the best," he recalled excitedly.

King grew up playing baseball and softball, and has a brother who was a former major league pitcher, so he is well versed in baseball. He has high expectations for Ohtani this season, not only for his powerful batting, but also as a pitcher when he returns, saying, "I'm looking forward to seeing him batting from the left side and pitching from his right arm." He repeatedly pleaded, "Anyway, I want him to stay healthy and avoid injuries, and first and foremost, to be able to continue playing in the starting lineup," and gave a thumbs up, saying, "If (Ohtani and the other main players) can stay healthy, we can make it to the top (winning the World Series) again."

◆Billie Jean King Born November 22, 1943 in California, USA. She began playing tennis in 1960, and established an era as a top player, winning the singles titles at the four major tournaments a total of 12 times. During her playing days, she was devoted to the movement for gender equality, and in 1973 she founded the Women's Tennis Association (now the WTA). In 1987, she was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame. After retiring, she served as the head coach of the US women's national team at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and the 2000 Sydney Olympics. She is right-handed and 164 cm tall.







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