New Jeans producer sues malicious commenters; local media reports partial victory
On the 19th, local media outlets Dispatch and others reported that Min Hee-jin, producer of New Jeans and former CEO of ADOR, had won a partial victory in a lawsuit over malicious comments.
The Seoul Central District Court recently held a sentencing hearing for the damages lawsuit filed by former CEO Min Hee-jin against eight people who had posted malicious comments online, and handed down guilty verdicts to some of the defendants. There was no appeal against this verdict, and the sentences were finalized.
Local media are reporting that a similar ruling is expected to be made in a lawsuit filed by former CEO Min Hee-jin for a separate case of malicious harassment.
Former CEO Min Hee-jin is currently in dispute with HYBE's affiliated labels, BELIFT LAB and SOURCE MUSIC.
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