Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu members suddenly burst into tears, saying they're "still sad" about comments that "put down" other groups
On the 19th, Aiki Suda of the idol group Cho Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu was on Nippon TV 's "Ueda and the Night Women Howl," when she suddenly burst into tears after remembering a comment from a fan.
The day was titled "Spring Complaint Festival" and celebrities who were frustrated or feeling frustrated about various things gathered. Among them, Suda started by saying, "There's something that's been bothering me for a long time," and when he said, "The trend of comments that put down other groups and support your own group..." he began crying and said, "It makes me frustrated."
Ueda Shinya was also surprised by Suda's sudden tears. "I don't want you to cry now. Have you been feeling that way for so long?" he asked gently. Suda tearfully pleaded, "I've been feeling sad for a long time. There are so many people who make comments like, "This group is good at singing, but that group is bad, or this group is cute, but that group isn't cute."
Ueda was worried and said, "That would be bad. Shall we take a break?" Seeing Suda's pure attitude, Wakatsuki Chinatsu laughed and said, "I've never taken this program so seriously before."
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