Kazutoyo Koyabu opinion on highly educated comedians: "You're an idiot who went to Yoshimoto even though you graduated from a good university" The comedian world is "a place where only idiots who are out of touch with the world gather"
On the 17th, comedian Kazutoyo Koyabu updated his YouTube channel "Perapera Koyabu."
The guests were Yano Katsuya from Yano & Hyodo, Tomiyoshi Makoto from Charanporan, and Kawabata Yasushi, and they had a great time talking.
The four, all affiliated with Yoshimoto Kogyo, talked about the current state of the comedy world, with Koyabu stating his opinion that "Originally, we were looked down upon and there were only a lot of idiots who couldn't do normal jobs, but we came to Yoshimoto because we had nowhere else to go." Yano agreed, saying, "Originally, we were like, 'I want to be popular with older girls,' or 'I want to be popular and drive a foreign car,'"
Koyabu said with a bitter smile, "Entertainers are just a bunch of idiots who are out of touch with the world. They point at the very edge of things and make people laugh." Yano nodded and said, "To put it in extreme terms, it's presumptuous of entertainers to make people laugh. They're the ones who are laughed at. I think it's fine for them to laugh."
The conversation also extended to the number of highly educated comedians who have been increasing in recent years. Koyabu said, "Even those highly educated people are idiots who go to Yoshimoto even though they graduated from such a smart university. They're social misfits. If they were that smart, you'd want them to become bureaucrats or something, but they come to a stupid place like this. As a result, there aren't many good people who come to places like this," he said, drawing laughter.
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