Former Yokozuna Masaru Hanada 's eldest daughter becomes a "girl" who has all her buttons stolen at her junior high school graduation ceremony. She has been in a combined junior high and high school for 11 years, from kindergarten

On the 20th, Kuramitsu, wife of former Yokozuna Wakanohana and talent Masaru Hanada (54), updated her blog. She revealed that her eldest daughter, Momoka, had all of her school uniform buttons "stolen" by a junior high school girl at her graduation ceremony.

The eldest daughter had attended a combined junior and senior high school for 11 years, starting from kindergarten, but when it came time to go to high school, she decided to go to an outside school.

Kuramizu reported, "I went to the information session for the school I will be attending from April." She was told to wear her junior high school uniform, and uploaded a photo of her eldest daughter (with her face edited) wearing the uniform, which she had "kept safe even after the graduation ceremony." She added, "But look at her uniform jacket. There's not a single button on it."

She explained the reason why there were no buttons, saying, "Apparently my juniors wanted them on the day of the graduation ceremony," and continued, "I was surprised that even in the Reiwa era, uniform buttons can still be stolen! By the way, all the ones who took the buttons were girls ♡."







  1. ええっ、女優かと思ったら「格付け」出演の美人アスリートに騒然 透明感ビジュが「どんどん綺麗に」「系統が北川景子」「な、なんと」

  2. 「クジャクのダンス」衝撃の真犯人→第1話冒頭30秒に一瞬映ってた最大伏線 残る謎、一家6人事件→1人で犯行可能か

  3. 高嶋ちさ子 まさか愛車 いかつい黒ボディの高級外車で「夜会」現る 衝撃の価格を明かす

  4. ええっ、女優かと思ったら「格付け」出演の美人アスリートに騒然 透明感ビジュが「どんどん綺麗に」「系統が北川景子」「な、なんと」

  5. 田崎史郎氏「本当にこの人、政治オンチ」と思った政治家名を挙げる「本当に下手」とバッサリ




  1. ドジャース奥さま会 バーンズ長男の甚平姿が激カワ♥帰国後に招き猫?で遊ぶ様子も「かわいい」の声あふれる

  2. ええっ、女優かと思ったら「格付け」出演の美人アスリートに騒然 透明感ビジュが「どんどん綺麗に」「系統が北川景子」「な、なんと」

  3. 大谷翔平 愛犬・デコピンの成長記録作成でファン「ありがてえ」「アツい」「デコピンが見たいがために」フォロワー数も大台に接近

  4. 「クジャクのダンス」衝撃の真犯人→第1話冒頭30秒に一瞬映ってた最大伏線 残る謎、一家6人事件→1人で犯行可能か

  5. ドジャース・ロハスが機内で“笑撃”行動 日本伝統の遊びに子供より熱中?ファン「また日本に来て!」「嬉しい!」

